Friday, October 1, 2021

It's Finally Fall!


Happy October, everyone! This month in Res Life, we'll be focusing our time on a few different things, from healthy relationship conversation & love languages, to sexual education, to strengthening our bond as a wing during our hall "wing wars" event, and more! The wing has been very respectful and receptive to our programming and wing chats so far, and I've really appreciated the honesty and attentiveness that has been brought by our wing to the programming we've had.

This month, the academy will also wrap up our first quarter with the end of the second week of the month. A lot of students have already been stressing, so I'm sure we may have plenty of parents who are as well -- I can promise it's not worth it to do so. The students are all working very hard, and semester grades are what show up on transcripts, so I encourage students & parents alike not to let the daunting presence of first quarter grades get to them. There is still another two months left for students to improve upon grades, and I'm sure we all know how stressful and difficult the first quarter has been, with so many of our students being new to campus (heck, even our Seniors still feel like Sophomores, being back here!)

I know we'll also have plenty of fun fall events going on throughout the month, including a door decorating contest within 02 for Halloween, which the RCs are really excited to see! These first several weeks seem to have flown by, and while each day can also feel a bit slow, I think having those exciting little things to look forward to can make all the difference. We're already almost to our first Extended, which means that once we return, Thanksgiving Extended will be right around the corner! I know our students are very excited to be able to spend some time with you all again, and I myself am also grateful that they'll get to do so.

If you're interested in being an active part of our hall, we do have a hall wish list, where we post items and ideas for things we'd like to have for use around the hall (! They can be anything from items for programming & bulletin boards, to items for everyday use within the wing, hall, or office, to fun items like movie packs or candy for events like Halloween :) If you have any questions about the wish list, please let me know!

Happy fall!

-- Robyn 

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