Welcome, parents & students of 02A!
For some of you, it's welcome back, and for others, it's welcome for the first time. Regardless of if you're a new or returning member of the 1502A family, I'm happy that you're here. Last year's virtual status was difficult on all of our IMSA students, as well on us faculty/staff, so I can't put into words just how grateful and excited I am to have everyone back with me in our "nest".
The first few weeks in August seemed to zoom right on by, and I'm so glad that everyone is working to get into the swing of things. As a reminder, there are certain rules & regulations that all IMSA students must abide by, but there are additional ones this year because of Covid regulations, so please make sure you're always keeping yourself familiar with both the student parent handbook (which can be found here ---> https://www.imsa.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021-2022-Student-Parent-Handook-USE-1.pdf); the Return to Learn & Work plan (found here ---> https://indd.adobe.com/view/9da9dd15-3dc2-42b3-9ad9-da18dfbf17d4) and your student's RC blog (which you've obviously already found here :) I'm also placing our important times of the day sheet here for our students, who should be getting fairly familiar with them already, but just in case, here's an extra copy of it....

We also ask that parents follow a specific protocol while on campus, to align with our health & safety regulations. Anytime you plan to visit with your child on the outdoor campus grounds, or if you plan to sign your child out and take them off campus, all visitors must first check-in with security and get a visitor's badge, that allows the rest of the staff on campus (including us RCs) to know that you've done what was necessary in checking-in with security, and being cleared to be here. This must be done every time a visitor comes to campus, regardless of how many times they have visited before.
In September, we have a whole bunch of exciting activities happening across campus, including an all-campus movie night, 02 specific movie nights (to align with our hall themes of different decades), Mental Health Initiative week, and Homecoming week, to close out the month! We'll have plenty more updates and information from the events in next month's post, so be on the lookout :)
Until then, enjoy one of my favorite pictures from move-in, of our lovely Resident Student Leaders (RSLs) helping move our excited underclassmen in!
Hall Community Coordinator Gabi Georgieva, A Wing alternate Liaison Karina Byers, Hall Diversity Coodinator Em Johnson, and A&D Wing Liaison Madeline Fields Halva are ready to move in our Sophomores!
Have a fantastic month, and we'll see you soon! -- Robyn |
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