Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Virtually Impossible, or Virtually Is Possible?

Hello again, wonderful parents & students of 1502A!

Last month was a bit of a whirlwind, particularly because there was a lot packed into just three short weeks. The RCs were here all of August, doing training and preparing for virtual life with our residents, and while I'm certainly exhausted, I'm also incredibly excited for what the rest of the school year will bring! The biggest downside to that first week of August isn't necessarily coming back from summer; what's hard about that first week is that we're back in "work" mode, but without our residents that we love so much. Particularly when it comes to our Sophomores, we're eager to get to know them and figure out the ways that we can best be there for and support them during their first year here. We may be virtual, but I'm quickly discovering that it is still completely possible for me to get to know all of them, and if anything, it makes me want to build those connections even more.

Amidst the plethora of new and exciting things that all of our students experienced during this year's first few weeks, a few of the events that they had were residential programs. We talked a bit about organization and planning, sending appropriate and professional emails to teachers, and got to know each other a little better. I'm eager for that to continue this month, with the programs that we have set up for the next few weeks. We'll be discussing ways to care for our mental & emotional health, where to find campus resources (both academically and otherwise), and having some serious discussions about bullying, and how that can happen both on-campus and off. We may be virtual, but living in the age that we do, we're all aware that with technology and the influence of the internet, is can be even easier to feel big and powerful behind the safety of a screen. Disrespect is something I don't tolerate in my wing, whether it's a physical space or a virtual one, so I'm hopeful that it will be an educational experience for Sophomores and Upperclassmen alike.

I hope you've all enjoyed and felt proud of the work you've done so far this year! I know I have. Enjoy the three day weekend coming up next week, and take some time to really relax and recharge. Friendly reminder that RCs will also be off on Labor Day, so we will not have the office phone forwarded, or be checking our emails. Thank you!

-- Robyn

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