The 2019-2020 school year has already started off with quite a bang, with a successful move-in, Welcome Week, Convocation, and a big birthday celebration for yours truly, put on by the wing!
One of my favorite parts of the school year is when everyone gets settled in, and tries to figure out who their "people" are; who are the friends that are going to get them through this upcoming school year, and who will be there to talk them down when they're frustrated, or help them with a tough problem set, or even make them tea on a stressful night. Something that I've noticed about 02A over my past four years here is that it is very much a community where, coming into it, you already have some of you "people" built in. It's a very welcoming, friendly, and open community, and I am proud to see that atmosphere has continued into this school year, at least from what I've seen so far. Seniors are interacting with underclassmen, and everyone has been really great towards our Sophomores. As I mentioned above, the wing even put together a birthday celebration for me, decorating the wing and putting up a "Happy Birthday Robyn" sign on the whiteboard, which they got most of the hall to sign. I had bought ice cream and the fixings for root beer floats, intending it to be a fairly relaxing evening, but the wing surprised me, as they often do.
Within just these first few weeks, I've seen the girls bonding over the celebration for me, coordinating their Convocation pictures, stressing out over classes, and staying up late to have heart-to-heart chats. If this first month has been any indication of how the school year will go, we're in for a good one.
Until next time,
♥ Robyn & the lovely ladies of 02A
P.S. I'm not great at technology, but I wanted to include a few pictures from our first few weeks! Hopefully as the year goes on, I'll be able to make the blog look a little cleaner (we have plenty of CompuSci students at IMSA who I'm sure can help) so I appreciate your understanding as I try to improve my blogging skills.
Welcome to Alice's Wonderland! |
The first of what I hope to be many pictures with Gabi Georgieva '22. |
The best hall staff on campus: Mia (D), Kristen (C), Candice (B) and myself (A) |
The wing can clean up pretty nicely! |
A picture of some of the decs I was surprised with for my birthday! |
My "card" from the girls of 1502! |
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