The lovely ladies of 1502 A (minus a few Seniors who were away for the Eclipse) |
The 2017-2018 school year started off with a bang, as the entire study body attended IMSA's annual Convocation event, which signals the arrival of a new school year. On top of that, we were lucky enough to have the first day of classes following Convocation cancelled, so that the students and staff could witness the historic eclipse that took place that same afternoon.
For 02A, the morning got off to an especially nice start, with the girls serenading me with "Happy Birthday" the moment I emerged from my apartment. For me, it was nice to know they remembered why that day was important to me, outside of Convocation and the Eclipse. The girls all dressed in their best as well, and made sure to take plenty of photographic evidence to show it.
JR Alice Liu, SR Mounisha Kovour, JR Eva Liu & myself give our biggest smiles! |
Mounisha Kovour, Riley Brutto, Abby Light & Doreeen Xiao |
JR Upquad: Vaishnavi Vanamala, Hannah Grauer, Sibil Shibu, and Marisa Patel-O'Connor | |

Now that classes are well under way and everything is in full swing, it won't be long before the pressures of classes, clubs, sports & homesickness start to take its toll on everyone. This is 100% normal (for both the students, and the parents) so I encourage everyone to remember that stressing out is normal, indulging in late night chocolate snacking is okay, and venting sessions with friends are sometimes necessary! 02A has always been a tight-knit community, and I would love more than anything for it to stay that way. We've already had a few programs, one of which centered around the creation of our Wing Contract (pictured at right, hung on our wing refrigerator). Each year the girls have affectionately named our wing "The Robyn's Nest" -- and here in the nest, have several more programs on the way, which I hope will encourage bonding and strong relationships between the girls, as well as self reflection and self-care of each of the girls within themselves. Here's to a great first few weeks, and the upcoming months!
-Robyn & the lovely ladies of 02A ♡
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