Sunday, May 1, 2022

It's Already May?!

How in the world is it already almost May? The year is quickly coming to a close, and there's still so much left to do! Finals will be here before we know it (and make sure you know when yours are!) which means move-outs and graduation won't be far behind!!

Similarly to winter break, students will need to leave within 24 hours of their last final. There will also be a similar check-out process, where students will sign-up for a checkout time with their RC, and will have their room checked before they can be free to leave for the summer. RCs also have to take student keys & fobs (for good, this time), as well as having the student & their guardian sign off on the Room Condition Card they filled out at the start of the year. All of this will be sent out in a much more detailed email as we get closer, but I did want to iron out some of the logistics here, for those already starting to wonder. 

But! In the meantime, we still have AP exams, Prom, Senior Recognition, Senior Banquet, Luau, and several other fun events planned before then. I'm also planning several fun and educational programs for us to squeeze in before the year is up, and we kicked that off this past month, with one of my favorite programs: Whiteboard Wishes & Wills. Each student got to sit in front of the whiteboard while their wingmates had two minutes to write all of the wonderful and kind things they think about them! Students were told they weren't allowed to look at the whiteboard while their wingmates wrote, or even after (so that way everything remained anonymous). But, I then took a picture, the board was erased, and students were sent the pictures after the fact! They can set them as their phone or computer background, print it out to keep up on their wall, or just have it on their phone to scroll to when they're having a rough day. With the stresses of class and end-of-the-year looming, I was hoping it would be a fun and relaxing event for everyone -- and thankfully it was! Below are a few examples of some students that haven't had a chance to be featured on the blog yet this year, but are still important and loved members of our wing family....

The students even took some time at the end to let me have a chance to sit in front of the board, and it meant the world to know that they've been appreciative of all of the hard work and effort I've put into this year. I'm so grateful to have had them back on campus, and am looking forward to a strong finish to the end of this crazy year. 

Be on the lookout later this month for emails with end-of-the-year information from me!

-- Robyn