Hello again! It's crazy to think that we're already our second month into second semester, and that in just a few short months, our year of virtual learning will come to an end. The students have all done a great job considering the circumstances, and I'm proud of the renewed vigor and determination that many of them seem to have going into the new semester! Students from all classes have made it their goal to stay driven and focused as the months go on, and I'm a proud RC getting to see that. Specifically, students mentioned feeling excited for certain classes or teachers, the fact that they were able to "recharge" over winter break, determination to do better in classes this semester than last, feeling more ready for the challenge of virtual learning now that last semester is over, getting into better sleeping habits, new organizational tools and plans for 2021, and simple gratitude for being halfway through the schoolyear.
What particularly warmed my heart as an RC was hearing how many students missed the "res life" part of IMSA, even while we've been virtual. I'm grateful to know that our weekly programming is a high point for so many of my residents, and that it's a fun space for them to speak freely, or even just listen & learn something different each week. My goal is to continue creating that virtual space for them this semester, in as many ways as possible. We'll continue to have our regularly scheduled programming, which will include productivity tips and tricks, and a program on respect while in our virtual state. Outside of that, myself and our wing liaison will be putting on different social programs, including a 13-part whodunnit miniseries that I'll be showing for anyone interested, and prepping the wing for our annual CLASH of the Halls event, which the students are always especially excited for!
We'll also see another of our Student Wellness Breaks coming in mid-February, giving the students another 4 day weekend to relax and recharge. The week of the 8th-12th will be an ABIC schedule, with no classes on Friday the 12th, and the week of the 15th-19th will be a DIAD schedule, with no classes on Monday the 15th. If any of that should change, I'll be sure to let you all know!
In the meantime, Happy February, and stay safe!
-- Robyn