Thursday, December 14, 2017

Breakfast for Dinner

When you think of pancakes, bacon, sausage, muffins & bagels, you're likely to think of breakfast, right? Most everyone would, but in 02A we like to do things a little differently than what everyone else considers "the norm". When it came time for us to plan our first dinner date of the year, breakfast for dinner seemed pretty darn perfect.

Seniors Irena Gao, Lizzie Tang, Mounisha Kovour & Mishelle Mironov show their love for 0-2-A-❤

With the help of our top-notch wing guides, Eva & Koyena, we pulled off a pretty good night for the wing & their dates. We also had some help from Lizzie & Alice, who are two of the best pancake pourers I've ever seen :) The night did start off a bit slow while we were preparing the food (what evil forces of the universe decided that pancakes would cook in two minutes, but bacon & sausuage would cook in ten?) --  but once we got into a rhythm, the evening went well!

Between bites, the students enjoyed playing games like Apples to Apples, as well as playing tic-tac-toe and drawing works of art on our tablefclothes (don't worry -- our tableclothes were just butcher paper). I saw a lot of the Juniors and Seniors laughing with old friends, and the Sophomores making new ones. For the kids, the best part of a dinner date is non-Sodexo food -- for me, it's seeing them enjoy themselves and make lasting memories (although when they all stay to help clean up, that's definitely one of my favorite parts too!)

Sophomore Michelle Wang with her date, Igor Zhuravlyov 

Junior Alice Liu and her date Tim Mou of 05A

One of my favorite moments of the evening came at the end of the night, when everyone was scrambling to take their last pictures. Because I'd been so busy cooking, I hadn't seen what Lola's date Nishant had chosen to wear; although we didn't mandate that our date had a "Christmas" or even winter theme, he went all out with his festive jacket, and it certainly had everone talking!

All things considered, it was a pretty good evening. I've had 5 dinner/dessert dates in my time here at IMSA, and the breakfast for dinner theme was one of the best received. I was worried my own date, Myra (daughter of 04C RC Josiah) might not be too excited about it, but she was ecstatic about the pancakes! Since 10pm is also a bit past a 2 year old's bedtime, I know myself and all the girls were grateful for her adorable and energetic presence in the room :) There's nothing like an over-energized 2 year old running around a room to make you grateful for your 22 teenagers!

Until next time,
-- Robyn & the lovely ladies of 02A ♡